We believe that our highest calling as human beings is to love and worship God, and our relationship with Him is our highest priority. You will find that all ministry at Freedom Church is rooted in our desire to serve God. We welcome you to join us at any one of our services. Here we answer a few common questions about attending Freedom Church for the first time.
What are services like?
Services at Freedom Church typically last about an hour and a half. We remain open to the movement of the Holy Spirit and will remain in prayer or worship accordingly. We begin with prayer 30 minutes before service begins and we continue with 30-40 minutes of praise and worship. After this, our Pastor delivers an exciting preaching with an alter call. On Sunday mornings after praise and worship, we offer children's church and a bilingual service.
How do you worship?
Praise and worship at Freedom Church is extremely important. We gather together to worship the Lord God Almighty who inhabits the praises of His people. We encourage our congregation to worship according to how God moves them; it may be a quiet meditation, an explosive burst of joy, or an excited exaltation in praise and adoration of the Lord. In whatever way we worship, it is never just a motion, but rather a purposeful expression of love, gratefulness, and petition toward our God.
Who attends?
Freedom Church is a diverse family of believers of various ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds. We have single people, bilingual people, married couples, single parents, blended families, children, youth, and young adults. At Freedom Church, we always say, “I belong, you belong, we all belong!”
Will I be asked to give money?
At Freedom Church, we teach and believe in Biblical stewardship. Those who call Freedom Church home will give their offerings to God during services. For new guests, your presence is a gift, and we want you to be blessed without feeling any obligation to give. If you wish to make an offering, we welcome you to do so.
Where do I go?
All main services are held in the sanctuary of Freedom Church. Ushers and greeters will direct you where you need to go.
What do I do with my children?
We recommend that you take advantage of the excellent ministries we have geared toward children. You may leave your baby at the church nursery under the care of several gentle and experienced women. Children will have a fantastic time in the KidZone where they will praise, worship, and study at their own level, learning the basics of God’s Word. Ushers are available to help you direct your children where they need to go.