In today’s world, the mathematics of marriage can be technical and complicated with many challenges. One Flesh Ministry is a ministry that helps simplify the equation: 1+1=1. This is based on the biblical principle that, through the union of marriage, a man and a woman become one flesh, and that what God has joined together, no man shall set apart (Mark 10:8). We work with couples to help them build a strong biblical foundation and Godly strategy for healthy marriages and families.
We believe the answers to all the challenges facing couples and families today can be found in the Bible. One Flesh Ministry helps build healthy marriages and provides tools and materials to help couples construct healthy relationships in the context of marriage and family. We welcome you to join "One Flesh Ministry", where we cover topics such as:
- You must cleave to leave
- One plus one equals one
- Committed in marriage
- Dealing with marital expectation
- Communication patterns
- Sexual adjustments
- Growing together spiritually
- The impact of children on marriage
- The challenge of dual careers
- Facing finance
- The blended family
One Flesh Ministry encourages couples to recognize that our spiritual relationships are just as important as our physical and social relationships. The core of our spiritual wellbeing as individuals, and as couples, is our faith in God, and learning how to turn to Him for joy, hope, and peace is what makes our marriages successful. Whether you are seeking pre-marital guidance, are currently married, or are struggling in your marriage, we are here to serve you.